Sunday, December 12, 2010

How Bad is your Posture?

Funny how when you ask that question everyone sits up straighter. We all know that 'good' posture is a good thing and bad is, well bad of course but what is good computer posture and can you tell where your own posture fits on the spectrum?

Try this and you may get a shock.
Get a friend/colleague or enemy to take a photo of you sitting at your computer. A side-on shot, preferably when you least expect it is what you are after. If you can do it now, go ahead and take the photo if you dare. I'll wait for you.

So...How was it for you?
Don't you hate that question?
Chances are, when you see the photo a few thoughts will run through your head like

*Aaaaaagh! Do I really look like that?

*Is that hunched, tense creature really me?

*Where is my perfect body and who stole it?

*Darn. I thought my posture was pretty good until I saw the evidence.

*What was I thinking when I thought my butt looked good in these pants?
Etcetera etcetera.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
My son took these photos of me. They are supposed to be examples of 'good' and 'bad' posture which include some of the features listed below.

GOOD computer sitting posture.
'good' ish posture. feet could be closer.
Muscles relaxed
Trunk slightly reclined back
Buttocks to the back of the chair
Lumbar area well supported so slight arch is maintained
Head and shoulders centered over hips
Arms close to body
Feet on floor or footrest (whole foot not just toes)
Eyes focused straight ahead
Right angles- at ankles, knees, hips, elbows.

poking chin/ lifted shoulders. big yuk.
BAD computer sitting posture
Low back slumped
Upper back flexed
Chin poking forward
Head tilting up or down
playstation pose
Head twisted or tilted to side
Shoulders hitched or hunched
Arm/s held away from body
Trunk twisted
Legs crossed or sitting on one foot
Feet dangling or wrapped around chair

Even with the best furniture, ergonomic layout, height adjustable everything, you can still slide into less than ideal postures as seen in the above glamor shots!

The first step in improving your posture is


When you sit down at the keyboard do a quick check every so often.

Where are they and how do they feel?

Tense or relaxed?

Hunched or upright?

Feet turning into swollen sausages?

Neck muscles about as loose as a lump of hardwood?

Is your sitting posture more  'relaxed-horse-rider' , 'Play-Station-pose' or 'twisted pretzel'?


REASSESS.     READJUST until you automatically self -check all the time.

Your body will thank you.

And if anyone is brave enough to send unflattering photos of themselves or their loved ones to me feel free.
I promise not to laugh. We've all been there. Perhaps a contest might be a good idea. Worst sitting posture prize? Let me know what you think.

One Last Thing.
How is this for posture? It's a goanna that strolls around our back yard.
Hint. Look between the tree trunks. We breed em big around here.
Lucky me.